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April 12th-18th, 12:00 - 5:00pm

Shark themed story and craft, Monday-Friday 1:00pm with dogfish shark feeding.

Monday-Friday Feedings

12:30pm - Sting Ray

1:00pm - Dogfish Sharks (immediately after story time)

2:00pm - Chain Cat Sharks

3:00pm - Clearnose and Little Skates

4:00pm - Dogfish Sharks

Saturday and Sunday Feedings

12:30pm - Grouper Feeding

1:00pm - Seahorse Feeding

1:30pm - Darwin the Tortoise Demo

2:30pm - Horseshoe Crab and Chain Cat Sharks

3:00pm - Dogfish Shark Feeding

3:30pm - Skate Feeding

4:00pm - Pufferfish Demonstration

4:30pm - 'Donut Tank' Feeding (Flounder & Sea Robin)

More Events

Face Painting, all day Saturday and Sunday

Pelagic Expeditions Shark Dive Photography Exhibit and Shark Cage - all week

Hands-on shark educational activities around building - all week

Guest appearances from our mascot Chomp - all week

Pet dogfish sharks, chain cat sharks, skates, and our sting ray - all week

Free shark prizes for all kids

Family Night - Feedings, hands-on activities, face painting, and meet Pelagic Expeditions owner and learn what it’s like to dive with sharks!